I’ll admit it. When I saw her picture, I gasped. The television was on at work, and The Insider came on, featuring NYC transsexual Amanda Lepore. She’s had a wee bit of work.
The sound was off, and everyone was hard at it, but someone glanced up, and saw her, and made comment along the lines of, “wow.” The boss asked, “Is that a guy? That’s a guy.” Someone else turned up the volume, and we watched the segment.
I, cringed, waiting for other comments. But, none came.
So, what does this all mean? Are all my straight coworkers not shocked by anything any more? Are they cool with the TG community? Are they too politically correct to say anything? (Not hardly.)
But, what does my reaction mean? I cringed. But shouldn’t I be proud that someone from the “family” is making it? I should be happy, because here’s someone successful in the city that never sleeps. I mean, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. (Though, I doubt Amanda would play in Peoria.)
With further reflection, I decided I should be embarrassed…of my embarrassment.
Amanda, I’m sorry.
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Fun & Entertainment