Ninja Beauty Secrets, part 6
Ninja Beauty Secrets, part 6
“Shadow Warrior, Part Two”
This month we”™re going to look at eye shadow looks for deep-set eyes, or eyes with eyelids. The majority of the Western world has eyes with eyelids; some Caucasian groups exhibit lidless eyes like Asians and thus the techniques from article 4 would apply to them.
Let me preface this article by saying that my series of Ninja Beauty Secrets articles are not meant for makeup novices, but experienced trans girls who have more than a basic knowledge and understanding of makeup. If you want a basic and intermediate treatment of makeup, please order a copy of “Secrets to an Awesome Makeover” and “Natural Makeup Techniques” from the videos section of my web site (will open in a new window).
Deep-set eyes are especially versatile in that a variety of looks can be achieved with them. You can enhance them to make them look more deep-set or color them to look like the smoky eye look of Daryl Hannah from Blade Runner or mimic the look of Asian eyes with wind swept ninja makeup techniques.
To make your eyes appear more deep-set, you have to create the illusion that something on your eye pops out. Close one of your eyes and note the spot where your iris is beneath the eyelid. This is the area we want to highlight with color to create the illusion of pop out. The first thing you”™ll need to do is apply a very light layer of foundation over your eyelids to make the surface even and remove any signs of darkness or discoloration, a common trait among people with eyelids. Next, shade the entire eyelid with a light color eyeshadow.
Taking care to avoid the iris area on each eyelid and keeping the color underneath the brow bone, shade the remaining part of the eyelid with a medium to dark shade of eyeshadow. Some of you may choose to cover the entire eyelid, including the browbone with the same shade, which is certainly permissible, but this actually diminishes the effect we”™re after, so keep the color under the brow bone for best effect. Line the upper lids only and apply a light highlighting shade along the lower lid line.
To make your eyes appear smoky, use an almost equal amount of dark shadow above the lid and below the lid. The first thing you”™ll need to do is apply a very light layer of foundation over your eyelids to make the surface even and remove any signs of darkness or discoloration. Next, line the upper and lower lids with eyeliner. Smudge the eyeliner to diffuse the sharpness of the eyelines and apply a dark shade of eyeshadow onto each eyeline and diffuse the color outward. Repeat the application and diffusion of eyeshadow until you achieve the desired smoky eye look. Keep the color beneath the brow bone. You can go as smoky as you want, but I recommend keeping the smoky look to a minimum. It is not one of my favorite looks, but it is one of the most dramatic and will really get you noticed.
To make your eyes look Asian, you will need to mimic the shape of Asian eyes, which are commonly thought to be almond-shaped. The first thing you”™ll need to do is apply a very light layer of foundation over your eyelids to make the surface even and remove any signs of darkness or discoloration. Next, shade the entire eyelid with a medium color eyeshadow. Next, apply a dark shade to the outer one-quarter part of the eye keeping the color under the brow bone. Use a blending brush to diffuse any lines of demarcation and sweep the eyeshadow color outward in the direction of your temples. Line your top and bottom lids, slightly heavier on the top lid, extend the top eyeline so that it goes beyond the inner endpoint of your eye, and taper the ends of the lines as you learned in article 3. What you have just created is a faux epicanthic fold to mimic the trait Asian eyes have.
Experiment with different light, medium, and dark eyeshadows until you find the right combination that works for each eyeshadow look on you. Sometimes what you think works won”™t and what you would never guess would work works great.
Next month, we’ll learn some basic and advanced blush techniques and determine where and when to use them.
For more ninja beauty secrets, purchase “Natural Makeup Techniques” or “Secrets to an Awesome Makeover” from my web site (will open in a new window).
Category: Transgender How To