Monthly Visitor

| Jul 14, 2014
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Every month around this time I get my monthly visitor. I’m serious!

Every month around now, I get an email from my editor’s private jet saying that my column is due. And so every month I think about what to write. What do I have to say that’s worthy of the discriminating TGForum audience? And it has to be original material, nothing rehashed from my blog. (It’s in my contract — but the editor has published a re-written blog entry once when I was too overcome with emotion to write fresh material.)

So. How do I do this? What is the creative process? Am I just that naturally gabby? (Don’t answer that!) And what does this have to do with the TG life? This one takes a little time to develop, dear readers, so give me a little rope. . . .

Well, here’s how I do it. I come up with the basic message — what do I want to say? Then, how do I say it? Do I go straight to it or dance around the point? Obfuscation? Metaphor? Similie? STHU?

Once I have those two basic things, I start letting the words out to play. Usually the first time around is total garbage. So I keep what I like and start again. Fortunately, the aforementioned editor is seasoned and savvy enough to sort out my meaning and edit me when necessary. So I don’t do this alone.

No one does this alone.

Writing is a solitary pursuit in many ways. When I write, I tend to write longhand in a spiral notebook. Often this is done outdoors, say at Valley Forge Park, or at a pub somewhere. I wrote most of my book perched on various bar stools. When typing in second/third/tenth drafts, I’m usually listening to music, often some guys named Declan or Bob.

Into my words I pour all of me. I show all of my emotions and thoughts- far more so than when one sees me in person. Seriously!


Method to my Madness?

But all the writing has a purpose. What’s the point of writing a column that no one reads? If I had no readers, the editor would’ve had me executed long ago. So in this way, Writing is a Community activity. I write; others read. They glean what they wish from my words and develop their own ideas. These ideas may be written as well, and read by others.

And so it is with being Transgender.

So many of us can’t or won’t share who they truly are with others. Of course I understand why: I’m living the consequences right now. But, as I’ve written in this column before, by Sharing we become stronger. We interact with each other and learn from each other’s Truth. HOW we present ourselves is important as well. Am I someone who dresses strictly in fetish gear? Are my skirts too short for my advanced age? Do I even give a damn?

Well, when I first started, I wore things that were a bit inappropriate. We all do, really, as we didn’t get the chance to be 13 or 16-year-old girls. Most of us break out of that particular idiom though. Not all — some prefer to express themselves that way, and that’s fine as well. As a full time woman, I dress as I see GGs dressing. I don’t WANT to stand out on most days. Hell, I’m 6’1” and have aircraft carrier shoulders — I stand out enough!

Yet a TG’s method of feminine expression shows who and where they are in this journey as surely as my writing expresses my soul. In time, each person develops her own style. I have a dear friend who prefers to wear kilts, and she is known for them. Another wears furs all the time — even in summer. Some are so stylish that I am green with envy. It’s an expression of who they are, and, in the end, why they do this thing. We all know we are TG because we were born this way. We have that in common, but how we express is what makes us individuals.

So the message is the commonality, in our common strength, in getting out (if one can) to experience others like yourself, in all their diversity.

The method? The method is all yours.

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Sophie Lynne

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