Monday! New Stuff!
Hi loyal readers! It’s the beginning of another week, and while most people dread Monday since it means back to work, I love it. It means I’ve just finished my labors and along with the able assistance of our TGF contributors we have put together the TGF Monday Edition. Now I get to sleep in.
We start off today with the always informative and highly entertaining This Week In Transgenderism. News Editor Ronnie Rho has culled only the finest examples of TGs in the news and assembled them for your browsing pleasure yet again. Savor all the stories from around the world including Charlize Theron’s departure from The Danish Girl, the youngest TGs in the U.K., the oldest TS in the U.K., a suspect in the Paulina Ibarra murder case, the latest news on our “action transvestite” and a whole lot more. Check it all out in TWIT.
Next up is Linda Jensen with Part 2 of Amanda’s Vacation. Amanda is a Canadian CD who decides to spend her whole vacation enfemme in her rural cottage home. Her story started last month and we continue into week two of her crossdressing adventure with this month’s chapter of Amanda’s Vacation.
A new contributor has joined the TGF writing staff and she is not unknown to TGF readers. For too long we have lacked coverage of TG politics and that has been remedied with the new column TransActive by Christine Beatty. Christine is a transsexual author, musician, writer and actor whose band Glamazon was reviewed back in the early years of this century by our own Pamela DeGroff. While Christine is a very busy person she has agreed to cover the trans-activism political beat and she brings us up to speed on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act’s long history and let’s us know just how close it may be to passage in her debut column TransActive.
Writers all search for their “voice” when they start out and TGF contributor Gina Vizavi is no different. She hones in on her proper voice, both in writing style and talking like a lady, in her latest post, Finding Your Voice.
That’s our offering for this Monday’s Edition of TGF. Enjoy!
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