Monday Edition — January 31, 2011

Angela Gardner

Lea T. is in TWIT.
Good day one and all! The TGForum Monday Edition is here. Among today’s offering you will find a staple of our publication, the delightful confection of news links and pithy comments that we call The Week In Transgenderism. As I’ve mentioned before this compilation of all the news featuring a transgender factor — a T Factor, if you will — is all news from last week. We’d love to have a time scope device that would let us browse the Internet of the future to bring you stories that will pop up this week but, physics being in it’s current state, it just ain’t possible. News Editor Ronnie Rho has found all the current TG news, though. Learn about a new study of TS brains that finds a difference; ladyboys are flying high; a TG denied a chance to attend the prom en femme has won a lawsuit but the prom was five years ago; an SF TG clinic is having budget woes; college men in Georgia do drag to raise money — for charity, and a whole lot more is all waiting for you in TWIT!
Pamela DeGroff joins us today with her Transvocalizers column. Normally Pam ranges far and wide as she hunts down transgender singers from around the world. Today she has turned around and noticed the TG singer in the next cubicle at TGF World Headquarters. Pamela interviews our very own Dina Amberle about her amateur cabaret career. Dina has been performing in piano bars for years in her alter ego, Dina Sinatra. How does a crossdresser end up standing in front of a mostly straight crowd singing her heart out? Pam has Dina’s story. She also has some short reviews of hot new CDs that TGs will be dancing to this month. Check it all out in Transvocalizers.
Kalina Isato (that’s the pen name of Miss Clare) joins us this week with her notes covering her activities in the past month. She calls it Stochastic Musings and this week we learn her thoughts on how to tell a “real” transsexual from a crossdresser, what she had for dinner, what she wore to the office holiday party, how she’s learning to speak Hindi, and a lot more. Plus pictures. (Even a cartoon!) Check out Kalina’s journey to Clare as she continues her transition in Stochastic Musings.
Our resident out and about but not “out” CD Miss Sophie Lynne is with us with a post she calls Getting Out For A Few Days. When you’re in the closet you have to connive and engage in conceit and lies just to get a chance to indulge in your passion for wearing lady’s clothing. Sophie will be going to a TG conference for a whole weekend in just a few weeks. How will she get that past her wife? For more on the closeted CD’s dilemma and a primer on the TG conferences that are available you must read Getting Out For A Few Days.

Sophie Lynne
We’ve also got some news on improvements to the recently rewritten passport rules that are even friendlier to TGs and intersexed people.
Last week we tried A Night in The Chat Room with the Managing Editor and Publisher. That didn’t work out so well. JoAnn and I waited in the Chat Lobby, checking our makeup and primping, but no one showed up. So we went home and watched television. We’re going to do it again at some point since we’d like to highlight the fact that TGF has a free chat room, and we’d like people to make use of it. We also think that people might have some questions about the new TGF format. We’d even share makeup tips. Since we didn’t do much in the way of promoting the chat room appearance last week we’re doing a bit of advance planning and asking this week when people would be most interested in a meeting in the chat room. Please send me an email and let me know what evenings and times would be best for you. Don’t pick Sunday night since I’m always doing the editing for the Monday Edition on Sunday night.
Category: TG Forum News