It’s Straight Up Monday, Dog

| Feb 22, 2010
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monday0210Yo, yo my loyal readers, it’s time once again for the TGForum Monday Edition. Excuse my lapse into street argot. I do apologize but in my quest for unique intros to the weekly Monday Edition I am beginning to run out of creative concepts. Soon I’ll be reduced to just starting out with “Hey, it’s the Monday Edition”. Thankfully I’m still able to come up with something better than that. But, to continue, hey, it’s the Monday Edition!

This Week In Transgenderism, the word craft of our News Editor Miss Ronnie Rho, starts off the Edition. Ronnie has dug deep into the unplumbed depths of the Interwebs to ferret out all the stories with any hint of TG content. She’s got everything from the drag queen who barfed on Susan Sarandon to the TWIT who dressed up like a lady — with a goatee — to rob an adult bookstore, to the New Jersey trans woman who is not gonna take police harassment meekly, to the two TG candidates for San Francisco’s Supervisor position, the Italian opera singer who can handle both the baritone and soprano roles and a whole lot more. It’s all there in this week’s TWIT.

Famed TG cartoon legend Miss Lexy Tranner joins us this week with another insight to crossdressing that will leave you with the giggles. Lexy is drawn by Miss Kyra Kelly and once again Kyra has hit the crossdressing nail on the head. Don’t miss Lexy Tranner — Weekend CD.

This week brings us this month’s Dina’s Diner. Dina Amberle has scanned the papers, mined the websites and once again brings us her take on the important (well, anything that’s even vaguely connected to crossdressing) issues of the day. This week she has a comment on Ronnie’s dilemma that was featured a few weeks ago on the Forum, and then goes on to tackle Fashion Week and celebrities, crossdresser hijackers and a bit more. It’s all in Dina’s Diner.

Hebe Dotson has filed Chapter 47 of Theresa. Since Theresa has been called Terri for many, many chapter now I’m all for changing the title to Terri’s Story but, Hebe’s the author and she prefers Theresa. So that’s what it’s called. Will Terri ever get to visit her child? Will she be forced to play more male roles on stage? Will she find true love and a solution to dry skin problems in the winter months? Only one way to find out, don’t miss Chapter 47 of Theresa.

That’s all for this Monday, folks. Enjoy!

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Category: TG Forum News


About the Author ()

Angela Gardner is a founding member of The Renaissance Transgender Assoc., Inc., former editor of its newsletter and magazine, Transgender Community News. She was the Diva of Dish for TGF in the late 1990s and Editor of LadyLike magazine until its untimely demise. She has appeared in film and television shows portraying TG characters, as well as representing Renaissance on numerous talk shows.

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