It’s Monday — Time For TGF!
Get that cup of coffee girls, it’s time for the Monday edition of TGForum! Today we lead off with the always popular fruit of our News Editor Ronnie Rho’s compilation of all the TG news in the world, This Week In Transgenderism. This week Ronnie lets us know about the TG inclusive ENDA bill now in Congress, more good news for Diane Schroer, crossdressers as fashion accessories in London, and a whole lot more. It’s all there in TWIT!
Next on the agenda is Pamela DeGroff’s Perpetual Change column. This month Pamela brings us an interview with Tona Brown. Ms Brown is a transwoman of color who plays classical violin and sings mezzo soprano. Ms Brown performs with several classical ensembles in the Norfolk, Virginia area and has toured the country with The Tranny Roadshow. Get to know a talented and lovely musician/singer in this month’s Perpetual Change.
Rounding out our offering for this week (appropriately as it’s about adding curves to your figure) our newest contributor Gina Vivazi has filed a how-to report on making your own breast forms. If you can’t afford expensive forms anymore Gina tells you how to make bouncy, realistic forms with material found around the house. And she has illustrated the article with a series of photos so you don’t have any excuses if your breasts don’t turn out right. Don’t miss Gina’s Free Form(s).
That’s it for this Monday Edition. Enjoy!
Category: TG Forum News