Halloween Warning! (With an update!)
With October half over, there are a few things to keep in mind as you’re planning your Halloween costume. And a few things to think about when venturing out on the Crossdresser’s National Holiday.
Firstly, and this may seem obvious, but no matter how sexy the girl in the picture on the label of the costume is, unless you look like her out of the costume, you’re not going to look like her in costume.
It took me a while to figure it out. I bought sexy costume after sexy costume, thinking somehow that I’d be magically transformed into a sultry vixen, or a wanton witch, just like the example on the package.
I even tried the plus size costumes, but with even less resemblence to the models. I was even more shapeless, with brightly colored fabric hanging everywhere.
How much money I threw away on this crap, I don’t know. And why it took me so long to figure out, I don’t know.
But, in short, here’s the rule that has helped me: find a picture of a hunky guy in a sexy costume, like so:
If you don’t look like him out of costume, that costume isn’t going to make you look like him. Period. You’re better off making your own costume.
Second piece of advice: Remember that this year Daylight Savings Time ends the weekend after Halloween. In the past, it ended before Halloween, thus making it darker earlier, giving us all a little extra time to sneak out of the house.
This year? Not so much. Keep that in mind if light, darkness and neighbors are a factor in your world.
And on a personal note: I will not be among the legions and legions of crossdressers and transgenderists and experimenters this holiday season.
Seems six years ago, I got it into my head that the end of October would be a great time to get married. And for the last five Halloweens, my long-suffering wife has had to watch me spend more time, money and effort on me, instead of “we”.
So this year, get out there and have some fun. If you’re not doing it for yourself, do it for me!
Okay, so it’s not that big a deal. I just happened to find this article on costumes at MSN. The crux of it is: the writer gives permission to crossdress!
Category: All TGForum Posts, Transgender Opinion