Fun in the Keystone State
Ohio (home), March 22, 2003
Damn, that alarm went off early! Time to get up, workout, get dressed, finish packing, load the car and head off on my five hour trek to what I expect will be an amazing few days. I will see old real world friends, meet existing virtual friends and Kandi’s Land readers, and hopefully make some new ones.
The Sunday prior I spent a couple of hours doing the packing. I warned my wife, despite the fact that it looks like I am moving out of the house, she cannot get rid of me that easily. I am very good at one thing, logistics. That means figuring out how to execute a plan, any plan. I do know one thing about myself, I want to present myself well. That means a lot of stuff, which is why I will probably never fly to an event unless it is one for a day or so. Eight planned outfits were packed, one emergency one in case something goes wrong, one very casual one in case I wish to dress down at the end of an evening, my workout gear (for me, a day doesn’t exist without a workout, it takes priority ahead of Kandi and right behind making a living) and a driving home bag, my only male clothing.
Harrisburg, PA, Same Day
Okay, if I met you, talked to you and I forget to mention it here PLEASE forgive me. One, my memory sucks. Two, especially on this day, let’s just say I consumed quite a few libations. . . .
Any trip started this way has to be a great one, right? I am not articulate enough to tell you how many amazing human beings I was blessed with the ability to spend a few minutes with, meet them, chat with them. Cristy is a much better human being than she is beautiful and she is quite beautiful. My roomie, Sammy, I love you my sis! Gina, what can I say? I met and/or saw so many readers and friends, Fiona, Gwen (not that Gwen), Gwen (that Gwen), Johnna (you are a doll, girl!), our beloved Alexandra, Kris, Susan and now my cocktail soaked memory fails me. . . .
We simply kept accumulating girls to join us like a snowball rolling downhill. I commandeered a local eatery and an amazing time was born!
March 23, 2023
The day began, well we won’t get into all of that. But I finally got my fat behind onto the treadmill and ripped off a 5 mile gem. Then some work and girl time!
I spent the better part of the late morning into the afternoon in three adult, real conversations. I have friends I have had all of my life, most of which I would take a bullet for. But many of those conversations are surface, meaningless conversations. This day, I laid my heart out, I listened, I answered questions, I offered advice. I made a difference.
In what is becoming a tradition, I was invited to be part of a lovely dinner at The Hershey Hotel. I was there with many of my friends and all I can say is the day continued to get better and better. It’s just wonderful seeing these friends!
My friend, who shall remain nameless, was settling the bill with our hostess, who was a wonderful lady. I was told the hostess was crying because she thought we were all so beautiful (she took a bunch of pictures for us) and she felt ugly. Well, I wasn’t going to stand for that! I went up to her and did the “come here” thing with my finger and gave her a giant hug. Best hug
March 24, 2023, Day Three at Keystone
See that picture above, that is proof positive that I had a few too many, I talk too much and I was not thinking. That was the only photo I have of me in that dress. I take a million pictures of me going grocery shopping, but dressed for dinner, I take one picture.
On this day, I basically just hung out with friends. I did a photo shoot for Cristy Garcia and kept up my talking with anyone and everyone who would listen.
Category: Out & About