Finally Out and About
Last night, I went out for the first time in forever. I mean, after a year of covid restrictions, it seems like forever. I went to Chumleys on College Avenue in State College, Pa. It’s the town’s only gay bar, which opened in 1984. Before that, there was the My Oh My, which was a strip club in front and a gay bar in back. I went alone, as my roomie/bestie Linda was working. I’d felt girly all day, so dolled up, trying some new things (like hair rollers), and wore a blue sundress that showed off the girls nicely. Yes, only I would go to a gay bar with my boobs hanging out. The place was completely redone while the Covid thing was happening, and was much larger, as they’d removed the tiny six pack shop that was there.
Back in the ol’ stomping grounds (SEPa) I see that Renaissance (support group) and soon Angela’s Laptop Lounge (monthly TG friendly dancing/social event) are back. I made many friends there, and miss them. It’s been years since I’ve seen some of them. I’d love to just sit down and talk to some of them again in a place where I could hear them. (BTW: I write a lot about the local Philly groups that I cut my teeth in, but if you want to write about YOUR group [I’m looking at you, TransCentral and Lehigh Valley Renaissance], write something up and send it to our fearless editor. The more people we can help, the better!)
When the pandemic reached us in the U.S., things were bad for TG people, as the government wanted to legislate us out of existence. Now that has changed as well (until the next GOP person is elected.) ALEC and the CPC’s Project Blitz are sending anti-trans bills aimed at hurting transgender children, true, and they need to be fought. Yet after a year of isolation, isn’t it nice to see friends again? I guess that’s my point. Things are reopening again after a long, hard year where almost everyone experienced loss. For those of us who are out, and those who venture out en femme, it’s wonderful to visit with people who Understand that part of our lives, and don’t need explanations. Those places that support and even celebrate transgender people need our support as well. So go out if you can, and if you can, spend a little money at places that support us. Spend some time with your transgender groups and events. Donate if you can, so these things are still there next month, or even next week.
Being transgender is a lonely thing. We need time with our sisters. See them. Hear them. And Enjoy!
Category: Transgender Opinion