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Author Archive: NikkiNicole
Active member of the unconventional girl community; I love to write -- check out my Facebook page! I am usually out and about on weekends with girlfriends and almost regularly once a week on a weeknight.
Good morning my friends. Here is one of many poems I have written during the past three weeks. Although written prior to my arrival at the Keystone 2015 Conference, the words and meaning are apropos. Seeing good friends and sharing deep soul rending feelings in Nikki’s new look — the look Nikki has been seeking […]
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Nikki Nicole has some advice for those who put themselves out there on social media in the big, bad world. There may be times that small minded, insecure people attack you because of who and what you are. Nikki shares her secret strategy on how to deal with the abuse. Oops! Now it’s not a secret anymore.
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Nikki Nicole returns to TGF after an absence. Today she writes about her weekend adventures. She and a TG friend and two cisgendered ladies went on a shopping spree at the mall. Bargains were found. Friendships were solidified and the whole experience has reset Nikki’s gyroscope. Or was it compass? In any event if was a defining weekend. Read on!
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Staking the top of the board into the soft powdery sand just above the high water mark where the sand is packed and damp you pull back your dirty blonde hair tying it into a lazy tail with the scrunchy that adorned your right wrist. You love the summer; your hair lightens and the sun […]
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How cool is that? Isn’t really cool? We use the term “cool” an awful lot and Nikki Nicole wonders if something gets too cool does it become “cold”? And isn’t being frozen a bad thing? Yes, she can get carried away but she wonders about things. See where her thoughts on coolness lead her in “How Cool is Cold?”
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It’s been one of those periods. Allow a correction, it’s been another one of those periods. Maybe you’ve experienced it; uncertainty followed by questioning followed by another layer of uncertainty. Yes, you know about it? You’re a charter member of the club? Or no, what are you Nikki some kind of crazy twilight zone citizen? […]
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The waters of controversy, we all know about water, and about controversy. They are both irrefutable. One we can see — the water; the other one — the controversy we swear we can see but it’s not physical, not like a statue or a chair. We feel it; controversy — it invades our psyche, quickens […]
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Today Nikki Nicole asks if you think TGs are weak or strong. She asks because she’s noticed that some of the community seem to embrace the word “sissy.” Are you a sissy if you have male parts but dress up like a woman? Doesn’t it make you a strong person to face the trials that crossdressing can submit you to and isn’t it being a sissy to hide in your closet? See what Nikki thinks and read Weak or Strong?
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Our contributor Nikki Nicole reviews a book that has just been released by another of our contributors, Catie Maye. The book is titled “Men Can Wear Dresses Too” and Catie says it “…represents not just my personal journey but a journey taken by everyone who in some way does not conform to the society definition of ‘normal.”
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Nikki Nicole makes a case today for members of the transgender community to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Or as she abbreviates it, “walk the talk.” What is her basic thesis? If you’re going to go out in public en femme then don’t dress like a hooker. Check out Nikki’s reasoning and let us know what you think of her thesis in the comment area.
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Nikki Nicole joins us with a commentary on how we girls are always “izing.” As in moisturizing, accessorizing, and making attempts at minimizing. Does it make us slaves to the industries that have been built selling beauty products and fashion fripperies? Or does the care that we take succeed in maximizing our realness and legitimizing us as women? See what Nikki has to say.
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Nikki Nicole has been out and about in the transgender community for only a year. Now she takes some time to look back and see who she was a year ago and who she is today. Thinking about how she got to where she is she asked herself the question, “What would my life be without my feminine side?” Find out how she answered the question and read “Free to be Nikki.”
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Nikki Nicole, our contributor with two first names, is full of wisdom. Or silliness. Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between the two. But today she takes on a topic we often hear about — the bucket list. And she asks the question, “What’s in your wallet?” We don’t expect she really wants you all to send her a list of what’s in your wallet, or even a list of buckets, but we think you’ll agree she covers her topic well and presents us with a bucket filled to overflowing.
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People say they don’t like other people who play games. Let’s face it, many, many people are game players. There are all those video games and social media games and a plentiful number of old fashioned board games. So, yes, people don’t like it when you play games with their affections but games in general are a cherished tradition in our world. Today Nikki Nicole asks if you’ve ever played one of those old style board games. Maybe you’ve heard of TransGenderLand?
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The other girls were all wear jeans and leggings but Nikki arrived for their fun evening in five inch heels, a mid thigh mini with a blue blouse topped by a silver jacket. Was she “overdressed”? Read her tale of dinner at the brew house (a sure sign things are trending toward casual) and then on to the The Moose Lounge in Allentown. We ask, can a girl be a bit more dressed up and still have fun with the jeans and leggings crowd? Read Overdressed? and find out.
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Nikki Nicole is a charming woman who you will find out and about almost every weekend in the Philadelphia region. She classifies herself as an “unconventional girl.” Unconventional or not she is loaded with comments and advice on all aspects of crossdressing. We are happy to have her join our TGForum contributors and look forward to featuring her insights well into the future. Today Nikki comments on makeup. In particular, how to avoid over application without having “makeup withdrawal.”
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