As the World Transitions: TGForum News

| May 22, 2007
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One wedding, one jailed groom, more thoughts on a pair of TG high school students. Hospitals and universities and a state government are all becoming a little more t-friendly. Oh, and a murder. Great. All inside this edition of TGForum News!

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The Fort Worth high school student we mentioned a couple of weeks ago is still getting press. Read the latest article on Rochelle Evans at the Dallas Morning News.

Speaking of high schoolers, remember Johnny Vera? She won the title of prom queen in Fresno earlier this month, and people are still talking. Don’t be fooled by the title of Jackie Bernstein’s weekly column in the Stanford Daily: Sick Sad World.

Ever wish you could have started your transition when you were younger? It may be too late for us, but according to LifeSite, a hospital in Boston is creating the opportunity for the next generations.

People are the same, wherever you go. You already know one of Pakistan’s most popular entertainers is transgendered, right? Apparently, that popularity doesn’t translate into tolerance, as one couple found out. The Houston Chronicle picks up the story.

On the bright side, wedding bells have rung in South Korea. Get details from the West Australian.

While we’re on the church kick, have you met the TG minister in Florida? The Herald-Tribune will make the introductions.

While we’re in Florida, let’s revisit Susan Stanton. As we told you last week, she’s been busy. WTSP has the details

Ohio’s new governor says if you’re GLBT and a state employee, you can’t be discriminated against. The Advocate has the story.

Gotta pee? Another university is creating TG-friendly bathrooms. Ohio News Now tells us where.

A powerhouse employer in the UK is working to improve the diversity of some of its subcontractors. Check it out at

And from the police blotter: Investigators in Portland, OR, are looking for a murder suspect. Except in this case, the victim isn’t transgendered: the accused is. Salem-News has more. Call CrimeStoppers if you have information that can help.

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About the Author ()

Ronnie Rho has been writing for Transgender Forum since May of 1999. One of these days, she'll get it right. She's been described as the "world's most famous recluse," but only by people who don't know her very well. She is unmarried, and lives in Cincinnati.

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